Are you a builder of or investor in businesses that work for the planet, for people, and for profit; and want to use ergodic investing or entrepreneurship; or have the right incorporation for your business; or apply anything else in my books? Head over to our offerings on, for example:

CEO, Serial Entrepreneur, particle physicist, Disruptive Innovator, Author
Graham Boyd, PhD
We can rise, phoenix-like, from today’s burning global challenges. All of us, and our children, can thrive in the coming decades, because we can build a regenerative global economy by using ergodic finance and investment.
Today I apply the expertise gathered across three careers (particle physicist, manager with Procter and Gamble, serial startup founder) to bring that vision to reality. I founded Evolutesix, an ergodic finance holding company and ergodic strategy business ecosystem builder; and wrote The Ergodic Investor and Entrepreneur and Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You, so that everyone can benefit from the solutions we’ve developed to create net positive businesses.

My Vision & mission
Picasso and Einstein realised a century ago, when problems were insoluble, it was because the fundamental way of looking at the world was the problem. From this website and the resources you download, you’ll get new perspectives and new tools to use now to create a better future, because you can transform yourself, your work, and our global challenges.
Regenerative and free
Regenerative and free
The Foundations
Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You
A toolkit for builders of a better world. A world that is humane, circular, and regenerative by bottom-up design, not by top-down regulation.
Buy from your favourite online retailer, and become a patron supporting the next stage of our work.
Gave me so much hope for a better future that I joined the team.

Interested in working with me?
For Startups, businesses, NGOs and any other organisations which feel a yearning to be an even more powerful part of a new ecosystemic solution, and want to learn more about how to apply the best regenerative business principles to thrive in the future.
Our startup factory provides you with everything from keynotes at your offsites through consulting services around transforming your company to our full startup creation, acceleration, and investment programme.
For Individuals who are deeply concerned about the state of the world and passionate about co-creating a future, here you can grow your hopefulness, reduce your anxiety, by applying cutting edge developmental tools to become who the world needs you to be, for us all to thrive.
- You are building a startup, and want to make it inherently regenerative, net positive across everything it touches;
- You want to leave your job and work in inherently net positive, regenerative startups and businesses;
- You are a mum or a dad wanting to get back to work, need an integrated way of being both a parent and work that is good for you and the world you want your child(ren) to grow up in.
The Evolutesix Startup Factory (Academy + Accelerator + Transformation + Investment) is the best place for you.