What You Will Learn In This Book
The reality you experience is inside you, triggered by what actually happens, and shaped by your lenses and meaning-making stories. You grow your capacity to use better lenses, and so experience a better reality, because you can reinvent the lenses and meaning-making stories you use.
Our organisations are failing us. This section covers how to reinvent organisations from the individual through to the legal incorporation. Create businesses that are good for all stakeholders, from you through to our global environment, because we reinvent the foundations.
An economy is just a method to provide living organisms with what they need to survive and thrive. It’s clear our human economy is failing us massively, the climate crisis is evidence enough. But we can create an economy that works for the planet, for people, and for profit, because we can reinvent the foundations, instead of just trying to patch the regulations.
CEO, Serial Entrepreneur, Particle Physicist, Disruptive Innovator, Author
Graham Boyd, PhD
We can rise, phoenix-like, from today’s burning global challenges. All of us, and our children, can thrive in the coming decades, because we can build a regenerative global economy by using ergodic finance and investment.
Today I apply the expertise gathered across three careers (particle physicist, manager with Procter and Gamble, serial startup founder) to bring that vision to reality. I founded Evolutesix, an ergodic finance holding company and ergodic strategy business ecosystem builder; and wrote The Ergodic Investor and Entrepreneur and Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You, so that everyone can benefit from the solutions we’ve developed to create net positive businesses.

Co- Author
I (Jack) have innovated at the boundaries of economics, highlighting the flaws in mainstream economics, and developing viable replacements. My drive has long been reforming and reconceptualizing economics, and of course economics education, so that the discipline of economics can help solve the world’s numerous and interconnected problems.
I’m the founding editor of the International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, which provides a global forum for educators committed to changing how we educate our students and how we conceptualize economics. I’m also the author of three well received economics textbooks on economics, pluralism, and economics education; and have recently completed a novel.
I’m currently researching and teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire.
Introduction: Book launch webinar
Second book webinar
Talk to the RSA

Workshops, consulting, coaching to implement Rebuild
and our startup factory
For everyone who wants a deeper dive into applying the book in practice. A blend of online preparation (about 5 hours) followed by a 3 hour online workshop. This Foundation programme is also the first element of our Startup Factory / Academy and train the trainer programme.
mid-career transitions,
business transformation programmes
- You have an existing business, and want to transform it to one that makes the impossible normal;
- You are building a startup, and want to make it inherently regenerative, net positive across everything it touches;
- You want to leave your job and work in inherently net positive, regenerative startups and businesses;
- You are a mum or a dad wanting to get back to work, need an integrated way of being both a parent and work that is good for you and the world you want your child(ren) to grow up in.
The Evolutesix Startup Factory (Academy + Accelerator + Transformation + Investment) is the best place for you.