By admin
Posted on: 2013-11-20 Uncategorized

Responsible Leadership 1

For what is a leader responsible; by whom and how is the leader held accountable?

Reading Time: 2 minutes       Wordcount: 290

It is very clear that much leadership, not just in business and politics, is failing. Failing,  according to our global society’s expectations. We certainly need far-ranging transformations in leadership.

“Is this leader responsible or irresponsible” is what is typically asked today. Often with the answer “Irresponsible.”And so we try to find leaders with better values.

What would we do differently if we worked from the assumption that most leaders are responsible? Then for what, by whom and how becomes the primary issue to transform, not the individual?

Today’s business leaders are primarily responsible for quarterly total shareholder return, are held accountable primarily by the shareholders via their voting structures and processes. Many of these shareholders are other listed institutions.

No wonder there is a huge gap between what society and the planet sees as “Responsible Leadership” and what the shareholders see as “Responsible Leadership.”

If we took the opening question really seriously, we’d start with appreciating just how a leader is responsible; how they may be striving for ever better responsibility; and that many have an unarticulated call for help. A call for help in transforming what they’re held accountable for, by whom and how. Transforming this from a narrow shareholder and national law framework into one that truly reflects the needs of society and the planet.

Here’s one approach to doing this: