Return on Human Investment
Employees are investors. Employees are investors of themselves. Investors of their time, yes. But for a company to succeed, it needs all staff to invest all of themselves. Not just…
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Are you big enough?
If you're an investor funding a start-up; the CEO; or a member of the leadership team - long term business success depends on you, the CEO and the leadership team…
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Mortality, memories and I
Wednesday evening, a long day in the City re-inventing edge's business model, walking home from the tube. Minutes later with neighbours doing CPR to bring another neighbour, Vic back to…
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Tools and Jobs
It's easy to forget that our modern world is the way it is because we invented it. It's easy to forget that the tool we invented to do a job…
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Good leadership – personal transparency
The blog below (in German) from Steffen summarises well the changes needed for leadership in today's world. As another co-presenter and participant in the Leadership^3 event in Berlin a…
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