2050, the future we want to have
I believe we are at a crucial crossroad. How we in the world of enterprise, from individual consultant, non-profit, social through to typical multinational, deal with the paradigm changes coming…
Futurproofing Read more
From learning and development to performance development: a paradigm shift
Business leaders care about results, and the individual performance that delivers results. They invest in order to increase performance; and should only invest in people development when this is…
Futurproofingperformance transfer Read more
Tomorrow’s Manager: a knowledge meshworker
The era of the knowledge worker is passing; the era of the knowledge meshworker, or 1% knowledge worker, has arrived. Peter Drucker, around 1959, coined the term knowledge worker(1). Most…
1% knowledge workerAdult LearningAndragogyFuturproofingknowledge meshworkerknowledge workerlearning transferperformance transferstar performance transfer Read more
Google’s great managers
and how to get the rest just as good. As this article: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/13/business/13hire.html?pagewanted=1&_r=4&ref=business says, what makes a truly great manager lies in a few fairly obvious things. What Google found…
high performing teamslearning transferstar performance transfertransfer factorsTransferlogix Read more
Who owns the human capital in your organisation?
Human capital is worth more than any other type of capital in many of today's organisations. It is also fundamentally different, because in most of the world the organisation, the…
Uncategorized Read more